Saturday, January 23, 2010

What can I buy that is just like the polish remover and top/bottom coats that nail salons use?

They have good brushes they dip in remover and stuff to get our the edges. I want to know what stuff they use.

They put them in different asian looking containers so I don't know what it is =P!

And for bottom coats, some don't use OPI.. what brand?

I have tones of OPI nail polish and I LOVE it so you don't need to recommend that (: thanks!What can I buy that is just like the polish remover and top/bottom coats that nail salons use?
I would go to sally beauty supply =] Just ask them what they use thats what I did. I have all of it, but I dont remember the brands or anything. Im sorry I couldnt be more detailed. But thats what I did.

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