Sunday, January 17, 2010

If nail polish is used on a leaf, will the stomata on the underside and top be open or closed?HELP?

What does nail polish do to the leaf? How many stomata will there be on top of leaf and on the underside? Will they be open or closed, why?If nail polish is used on a leaf, will the stomata on the underside and top be open or closed?HELP?
Whether the stomata are open or closed really depends upon whether the plant is well watered or very thirsty (wilting) at any given time. Humidity also affects how many will be open. Stomata numbers vary according to plant species so it's hard to give a generalisation about it; in particular, monocots and dicots arrange their stomata in different patterns so this is one main difference.

I assume from your question that you want to do an epidermal peel (applying nail polish and then pulling off the nail polish/epidermal layer to examine under the microscope). It's a tried and tested technique and the nail polish isn't really that harmful to the plant; it also should not affect whether the stomata are open or shut. However, the leaf will probably die once it's epidermis is ripped off.

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