Monday, May 10, 2010

Help the top layer of my nails keep chipping?

This has never happened to me before,my nails used to be strong,long and I'm ashamed of them because the top layer just peals off and they look ugly.what shall i do? please helpHelp the top layer of my nails keep chipping?
Could be vitamin deficiency, I have the same problem. Try popping a multivitamin once a day, and rub vitamin E oil on your nails every night. And good luckHelp the top layer of my nails keep chipping?
are u using too much nail polish? if u are. stop using it and just have ur nails clean and done but not have nail polish over it


are u eating unhealthily? eat more seafood, seafood helps strengthen ur nails and keep them long and strong. there are other things you could eat to have better names but i just cant think of it.

good luck, hope ur nails grow out pretty again.
consult a podiatrist

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